Virginia Beach is a popular summer vacation location and as such you need to start planning your Virginia Beach trip. From Virginia Beach hotels to activities, there is a lot to plan. Here is a quick guide to get you started.
Track Your Planning
Start by tracking your planning, a great tool to use is Tripit. You can even have Tripit read your emails and add items to your itinerary automatically. When you get to Virginia Beach you can use it to keep on track, look at what you have planned, and modify your plans easily.
Find Virginia Beach Hotels
One of the first tasks you want to do is find Virginia Beach hotels. Look at all of the options you have available to find the one that is right for you. Hotels that are right on the water or boardwalk will be the most expensive and fill up quickly. However, they also offer the most benefits and you get what you pay for.
There are a handful of hotels that are further away from the beach but near the highway so you can rapidly get to the beach if you want to. These hotels are also close to a variety of shopping locations.
Decide How You Are Getting Around
Knowing how you are going to get around in Virginia Beach is important. There are rental cars, public transport, and taxis. Rental cars sell out quickly and tend to run high in price. However, renting a car gives you a freedom to explore all of Virginia Beach and its surroundings, including the parks. Busses and trolleys will allow you to be able to get around the area without spending a fortune. You can also use taxis, Ubers, and Lyfts to get around when you need a ride.
Plan Activities
Virginia Beach has so many activities to entertain visitors. Make sure you take a look at everything. You might find activities that you never thought about before. A great way to find things to do is to look at our blog posts, browse Trip Advisor, or even look through Yelp. Directories like Trip Advisor and Yelp also come with ratings and curated lists to help you find things to do easier.